Wednesday, May 18, 2016

DC day 3

 We were in bed by midnight and back on the bus at 7:15
We started the day off and an overpriced souvenir shop. Henry and I  decided to go to Starbucks and use the restroom instead of shop.
Then we went to the Holocaust Museum. It was very moving
We didn't get to see all of the museum because it is so intense and cannot be done on a school trip. I hope that we can return one day as a family and visit the whole museum
Then we headed to the Smithsonian to enjoy as many museums as we could fit in! This is my precious girl.
We started at the air and space. Then we went to the natural history Museum.
Hope diamond we also watch an IMAX movie to rest our fate for a few minutes.
Then we went to the national archives we were not allowed to take pictures but we did see the original constitution Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights. Then we went to the Museum of American history.
We went to meet the bus to go to dinner at 5:15. By 615 it had not showed we waited and waited only to find out that the bus was lost. We thought it was pretty funny that he couldn't pick us up in the exact place it dropped us off. We continue to wait and then we found out that a city bus hit one of our charter buses. We waited a little longer and one of our bus showed up we all loaded onto it sitting three Per seat and went to dinner. We are now all 100 on one bus headed to visit a few more monuments😳😩
Iwo Jima
White House
It's 10:30 on and this bus is actually headed to another monument now😂

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