Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Goodbye blue van

Saturday morning we went to look at cars. We were planning on trading in the good ole blue van for a younger model. We didn't buy, but we did pick this 2012 odyssey out. Perfect for us! 
Then Bryan headed on to the Clemson game, while the rest of us got Halloween costumes at target. I was skipping the Clemson game so I could take Nate and Henry to a cool Halloween party. I had offered to drive Matthew and John to the party also, so we hurried home to pick them up. 
I have to have a reason to leave Nate and Henry at home alone, but I didn't Saturday. But I said, " come on Luke, let's go pick up Matthew and John. Nate and Henry, y'all stay here I'll be right back." I got Matthew in keowee key then headed back to waterside crossing (the entrance across the highway from mine) to get john. As I tuned left into the neighborhood, the car behind me was blinded by the setting sun and hit us, going around 55 mph. There was no warning, no brakes, just huge impact. 
When we stopped moving, I turned around and saw that Matthew and Luke were ok! That's all I could say, "we're ok! We're ok!" Leaving Nate and Henry at home was a good thing. They would've been injured. And if was a miracle we walked away with bruises and aches (and a mild concussion for me)
 Nate came up to the wreck and stayed with me until I went home (2hours later) Henry went on to the party! Matthew was pretty shook up, and nancy Horton took care of Luke. God was truly watch g over us. 
We're enjoying a rental while we wait to see how much we get from our van being totaled. 
So thankful these 3 were protected this weekend!

Friday, October 24, 2014

WMS dance

Today was Nate's first Middle School dance!  It was after school from 3-5.  Mr. Dixon sent me this picture and I just couldn't believe my eyes!  Nate in the purple jersey dancing his heart out!  I love it! 
Sandy sent these 2 pictures.  I'm so jealous she gets to be there!  I'm thrilled hes having fun and being himself. 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Running in Clemson

I'm up to 10 miles now, here are some pics from today's run...
Habitat for humanity house being built (along side all the floats) on Bowman field 
I love running in Clemson. Drivers are more pedestrian friendly than on hwy 11 in West Union!

Nate on the sax

He doesn't want anyone to hear him (outside of family) so I secretly recorded him playing "Joyful, joyful We adore Thee".  He absolutely loves band! and I think he's doing great!!

Happy birthday Henry!

We celebrated Henry's birthday on Monday, October 13.  It was a teacher work day so since Bryan is now off on Mondays, we decided to take 19 of Henry's closest friends to gravitopia.  We hated limiting it, I usually try to invite the whole class but transportation was an issue.  Bryan drove the church bus and I drove my minivan. 
We jumped from 11-12 and other than about 10 kids, we pretty much had the place to ourselves.  Greenville and Pickens county had school that day

Austin on the rock wall

After jumping, we had a fantastic lunch at Stevie B's pizza buffet!  It was a hit. 

Mema and Papa were still on a camping trip and John Daddy had to work, but DeeDee was able to join us.  Of course she made a fabulous Halo cake.  Henry did catch part of it on fire, but that just added to the festivities! 

Henry showing off his new jacket and socks from Mema and Papa. 

Friday, October 17, 2014

4 years ago this weekend....

Luke and Brady at the Oktoberfest

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Loss of a wonderful dad

Please keep the Reeder family in your prayers. This is a beautiful family that has a second grade girl and a fifth grade boy at Keowee. The dad, Kenny, died of a massive heart attack last night at the gym at his work. He was only 36.
He leaves behind his beautiful wife, Anna. His oldest son, Kaden is my top runner in the running club. Kenzie runs too. He was the kind of dad that told his children daily how much he loved them and how proud he was of them. 
Hit way too close to home for me. 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Running club, birthday and field trip!

Running club started last week and was awesome! Kids ran for 25 minutes and I had 6 kids earn a foot (which means they ran 3 miles)!!!
Here are my sweet birthday cards from the boys...
Flowers from Bryan 
Luke had a great field trip to Denver Downs

Emily's wedding

Emily and Andrews wedding was fabulous!
We started getting ready at 8:30 for a 10:30 departure.
Overall the boys enjoyed the festivities! Just a few minor wardrobe problems (these boys are growing so fast!)
Henry could not get his dress shirt top button  to button, so he skipped the tie. 
Granny enjoyed everything!!
The organ was amazing! Henry went back in to take pictures. We all had goosebumps when Emily walked down the aisle! 
The amazing picture James and Stacie took!
I love to look at each one of their expressions!
My date
We even managed to make it to the Clemson game before the second quarter!
Congratulations Emily and Andrew!