Sunday, August 08, 2010

Still no camera

Still haven't got a camera so I thought I'd post this picture of Henry around Christmas of 2005.

Soccer coaches left yesterday morning, whew! They were so nice but it was a lot of work making sure 6 guys got fed in this house. It was a great experience for us all and I hope to see Liam & Stephen again one day.

One more week until school starts. Last night the boys tried to camp out in the living room in this huge elaborate tent they worked on all day. By 10pm they were still awake lying on the hardwood floor and somehow I convinced them to go to their beds. I'm gonna try to figure out some comfortable way for them to sleep somewhere exciting before school starts.


Denise Powell said...

Love that picture! Can't believe he's big enough now to be losing teeth!

Christie said...

They make foam cushions the size of a sleeping bag to place under the sleeping bag. Many forts/tents are made in this house and this is what we do to remedy the hard floor.
