Friday, January 04, 2008

goodbye passies!

Well, Bryan and I have spent the day collecting & throwing away all the pacifiers we could find in the house. Henry is a passy addict. He has to have 2 at all times. He switches them back and forth. He even sits down at the dinner table holding his passy, I will say "Henry, eat your food." and Henry will say, "Let me suck on this passy first."
So, cold turkey, we have tossed them all. He seems to be fine. He asked for it at naptime, but didn't even cry for it. So tonight will be the true test.
Pregnancy update: I am miserable. Indigestion, morning sickness, sleepy, feeling ugly and gaining weight. I'm not complaining, just updating.


christieconnatser said...

Hey, Joy! Hang in there....the first trimester will be over soon!

Anonymous said...

It will get better!!! I was sick everyday, all day up until about 11 weeks. Now it's just every once in awhile and I haven't thrown up in a long time. Hang in there!