Wednesday, February 13, 2008

It looks like a boy to me.....

I am so excited to report a great dr.'s visit today! Look at what a beautiful 12 week, 5 day baby I have. The ultrasound tech wouldn't make a guess whether it was a boy or girl, but it sure looks like a boy to me. I'm smiling right now typing this. I love God's sense of humor. I can totally see me with 3 boys! Will keep you updated.


Anonymous said...

That last picture definetly looks like a boy!!!! Congrats on the good report. We go back Feb. 25. I think they will do another ultrasound to check progress! I am getting so fat. I bet I have gained another 10 pounds!

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Joy! I'm glad you are doing well & that the baby is well also!
Hope you saved all those clothes that Henry has outgrown - you might not be needing any pink! :)