Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Luke's last day of preschool (this year)

Luke's preschool has 4 classes:  a 2 year old class, 3 year old class and 2 4 year old classes.  He is the only 4 year old in his class that isn't going to kindergarten this fall (he will start fall of 2014).  They have a special graduation program for the kids starting kindergarten.  Because he was the only one not graduating, he had his own presentation today at  the end of year program.  You can't see the teacher prompts, but he is counting in German and saying colors in German.  So glad he will be there again this fall.  That will be 9 consecutive years I will have a child at Golden Corner Preschool!

1 comment:

Denise Powell said...

Great job, Luke!!