Tuesday, October 14, 2008

brushing teeth?

I vividly remember a particular day 5/6 years ago - a few weeks after Nate was born: I was driving and suddenly realized that I hadn't taken the time to brush my teeth that day. I was so "floored" by this fact that I called my mama on the cell to say, "Oh, what a crazy morning it's been with little Nate. I am almost to Seneca, and I just realized I didn't brush my teeth! How could I forget to brush my teeth? Hahahah..."
Well, this morning, as I was delivering Nate to kindergarten, then Henry to preschool while Luke was yelling in his car seat, I thought to myself how often these days I not only forget to brush my teeth, but I don't even realize that I haven't until much later in the day.
My point is, if you call my house and you know I'm home & I still don't answer, don't get mad. Or, if I don't answer an e-mail promptly (or ever), be patient with me. I am loving this life, but it is really crazy right now.

1 comment:

christieconnatser said...

Hey, Joy! I know all about those (these) crazy days! Brushing my teeth feels like the only thing that I get done some days....just enjoy them, and buy soe breath mints :o) Love ya, Christie