Saturday, September 16, 2006

Sometimes people ask, "now, what is it you do?" and of course I answer, "I stay home with my boys." Being a stay-at-home mom.... Why don't I feel like I'm doing enough? Why do I feel like I need to be doing more? Why do I feel like I need to explain that I flew with Delta before I had Nate & I am planning on going back to work selling real estate one day. Being a stay-at-home mom doesn't impress anyone. Why do we women feel like we have to impress by balancing careers, marriages, families and still stay in perfect shape, cook dinner every night, have great skin & wear cool clothes? I've been struggling with this the past few weeks and I've decided that I don't have to do all that. I really think that the media (TV, magazines, etc) give us an unrealistic ideal to try to live up to. So, I've decided that my priorities should be 1- my relationship with Christ, 2- my husband and 3-my children. Now, just trying to implement this is the next step. And besides, look at these 2 boys. They are a gift from God. I don't think I'm wasting any time devoting the next 20 years to them.


Matt Smith said...

With those priorities, in that order, you can't go wrong!

christieconnatser said...

Hey, Joy! I know that I have already emailed you my thoughts, but since I figured out how to do this, I wanted to say again that you are totally on the right track! You are doing exactly what God wants you to do at this moment! What everyone else thinks doesn't matter as long as you feel you are in His will! Be encouraged and let God help you decide what "work" is in your life! Love Ya! Christie