Thursday, November 10, 2016

Pulling my hair out

This sweet precious boy has me pulling my hair out lately. He has decided to challenge me and his teachers. Every day he is required to write on a certain topic for 20 minutes. Yesterday the assignment was to read an article about Native American and then answer the following questions. What was interesting about the article what did you learn from the article What questions do you have about Native Americans. During the allotted time at school he wrote three words! His teacher sent home for him to redo. It took us two hours to complete the simple writing exercise! Sentences that were included in his journal were " I do not have any questions about native Americans. Indians are cool. " today I purchased a timer that he will have at his desk. His teacher will also send home any work that he does not complete and we will give him an additional writing exercise if she finds this necessary. He is truly my stubborn child.

1 comment:

Denise Powell said...

Haha, as I say about my stubborn child-- It is a good thing s/he is cute!!!