Friday, April 01, 2016

Whale watching

we boarded the boat called the sanctuary at 10 AM Thursday morning for a 3 to 4 hour whale watching tour. Immediately out of the harbor we saw a humpback whale.
I was so excited to catch the tail flip with my camera. Henry took so many great pictures with his camera I can't wait to get home and see them all.
As we had it on out to the ocean we encountered a very large group of dolphins. We just couldn't get out of the middle of them. There were baby dolphins and they were jumping completely out of the water. It was beautiful
An hour or so later we were happy to find a gray whale. They are harder to see according to the biologist named Doris who guided our trip. He was covered barnacles.
Henry got some amazing pictures of him but my phone just didn't have the capabilities.
Then we saw many see lion sunning themselves on a buoy. We also saw some adorable sea otters. They were nearly extinct a few years ago but now there are plenty around the Bay Area
As we were docking Brian and Nate got pooped on by a bird! Other than that it was a wonderful outing. And all we saw one grade oil three humpback whales dolphins sea otters and sea lions.

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