Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Henry is 11!

Henry turned 11 years old with this hairdo. He decided to surprise everyone Monday morning with a new hairstyle.
Isn't he adorable?
He had a great time celebrating at Walhalla power tumbling.
He's been saving money since Christmas to purchase a DSLR camera. He's researched, watched YouTube videos, borrow Denise's camera, and finally he had enough money after his party to buy a refurbished Nikon off eBay. We placed the order last night and hopefully he will receive it by the end of the week. He is an amateur photographer in the making. So proud of my middle child. He has so much personality! And I love his haircut!

1 comment:

Denise Powell said...

We love you, Henry!! You look AWESOME anyway you decide to do your hair. Can't hide cute!! XOXO