Thursday, December 19, 2013

Nate's Party time!!

Selfies before the party

What a busy week it's been! Today we had lots of Christmas parties.  I am enjoying Nate's last year of Elementary school by being co-room mother with Carrie.  We had a great party with lots of games & sweets!
We kicked the party off with the classic "draw a Christmas picture on your head" game.  The kids had to follow a few simple instructions and then laugh at the way their picture turned out. 
Then they each held a piece of green construction paper behind their backs and tried to rip little pieces off to make a Christmas tree.  The parents got to be the judges.
The last game was my favorite.  In teams of 4, they choose 1 kid to try to dress up as Santa.  They can only use supplies given: 2 pieces of poster paper, a piece of tin foil, a bunch of cotton balls, tape and twine. 
Poor Seana getting her beard taped on!
This was probably my favorite game because Nate was the "Santa" in his group.  They went all out creating a big beard and a bigger belly!
Here are the 5 Santa's.  Nate came in second after Owen (the one with the cotton ball buttons down shirt)
Love how Seana's group made cookies and a gift
My buddy Nathaniel (from Henry's class)
Selfie with Henry before his party! Half a day tomorrow and then we're done!!

1 comment:

Denise Powell said...

Those look like super fun parties!! Yay for holiday break :)