Saturday, July 13, 2013


We had no trouble getting to the water by our 830 check in time 
'Sam' our first mate/life guard got everyone fitted with fins, snorkels and masks. 
There were 41 people on our boat. 
Denise and Merritt sat this one out. They decided to do a little shopping at the local Walgreens instead. 
I was hesitant at first but as I watched my 4 year old swim off into the distance, I couldn't stand it anymore. 
I grabbed 2 noodles and took off to be the rescuer.
But he didn't need rescuing!
We had an hour to check out the reef. 
I finally found my calling though...
I helped all the scared people make it from the ladder to the rope. 
I would tell them that I was scared too. That I didn't even take baths. Then in my bravest voice I would say 'hold my hand, don't think, just kick!'


Powell Drivel said...

Looks like tons of fun. So glad y'all are having great weather!

Powell Drivel said...

Looks like tons of fun! So glad y'all are having great weather.

shanhop said...

GREAT PICTURES!!!! It looks like you were on a big catamaran. Just the thought of being on one in the middle of the ocean is scary. It looks like you could just bounce or roll right off the edge. Did you see awesome things? Wait....did the other people see awesome things? =) I'm sure your adventure was plagued with worry and watching. I can't blame you. So glad you did it.