Friday, April 19, 2013

Laughing gas

Right now we are sitting in the dentist office. Nate and Henry are both having the 2 bottom bicuspids pulled. Last night Henry wanted Nate to tell him what to expect at the dentist. In all seriousness, Nate turned to Henry and said, "well Henry, you're going to get gas. This is how it works. Dr Horton is going to come into the room and bend over and fart (yes he used that word I hate) right in your face. She will say, 'Henry, breathe in deep through your nose.' That will give you gas. Pretty soon you will both be in there farting like crazy."
You should have seen the look on Henry's face!
Prayers appreciated... They're brave but still a little nervous.


shanhop said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! You so need to post this on FB.

Denise Powell said...
