Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sugar buster!

I've started to notice a direct correlation between Luke's bad behavior and eating sugar. Nate and Henry never really seem affected by sugar (that I noticed) but Luke is a different kid. I realized that he eats very little protein. oatmeal with brown sugar for breakfast (i am not eliminating that!), jelly sandwich for lunch. maybe a granola bar some goldfish. he drinks apple juice, sweet get the picture. Pretty much whatever they wanted short of dark colas.
Saturday evening I vowed to give my best shot at eliminating sugar in his diet. I am not giving up fruit or bread. We are starting with drinks. No more juice or tea. Water and milk only and no more empty calories like pop tarts, doughnuts, granola bars.
The big news is, he was like a different boy today. He's been wonderful! We shopped for groceries in ingles for an hour and he walked beside the cart the whole time munching on pistachios. He ate his dinner without begging!
This is going to be tough for all of us, but nobody needs cocoa pebbles for breakfast anyway!

1 comment:

Denise Powell said...

So proud of you, Luke!!