Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I know I've neglected my blog all summer. I'm so sad that I haven't written about all the fun we have had. I just haven't had (or taken) the time. Luke starts preschool after Labor Day and I will get back to it. In the meantime....here we are at the Imax in Charlotte watching Tornadoes! Luke's bedtime conversation:
After a story about baby Jesus
Luke: Where's God?

Joy: Heaven

Luke: Where's God?

Joy: He's in heaven.

Luke: Where's God?

Joy: I told you. He's in heaven.

Luke: No He's not. He's in Florida.

1 comment:

Denise Powell said...

Hehehe! Silas thinks everyone lives in Souf Carolina. Can't wait for more blog posts. Miss those sweet boys and you guys too!!