Sunday, January 09, 2011

The snow of the Century! (so far)

In just a few short hours the snow will begin to John Cessarich says. It may be the biggest snow since 1988 (which was 12" for the Upstate). I have 5 1/2 gallons of milk, 2 dozen eggs, 2 loaves of bread, 90 diapers and a few other essentials to get us through the snow & ice. Boots & gloves are located (which was no minor task). Only one thing holding us back from winter wonderland fun: poor Luke is sick. He's had a fever since Thursday and I finally took him to the Dr. today. Luckily it was a virus (no flu which I was worried about since we haven't had flu shots in the past few years) that was turning into an ear infection. Guess I'll be bringing a tub of snow in the house tomorrow for Luke if he still has a fever. Hopefully he will be much better. We have 3 new orange sleds ready to ride!

1 comment:

Denise Powell said...

Feel better sweet Luke!! We love you!! Have fun Nate and Henry-- post snow pics when you can!!