Luke was born with this “birthmark “behind his ear. It is more of a growth of a dangerous cells that can one day turn to skin cancer. Every year we have went to the dermatologist to have it measured. This summer it grew and got infected and the doctor decided it was time to have it removed. Today was surgery day! Dr. Moody was our plastic surgeon and Meamah Papa John Daddy and Deedee and Bryan all joined me to take Luke to the hospital. He was so ready and such a good sport for the day! I tried to sneak him a drink this morning, because he couldn’t eat after midnight, but he said no way! He was such a trooper for the IV. He did not even shed a tear even though the nurse had a difficult time getting it in. The surgery lasted 2 1/2 hours! We were so happy that Dr. Moody was able to remove the growth without having to do a skin graft. However they did knock out a baby tooth out while intubating him. The tooth rolled to the back of his throat and stopped at the top of his trachea! Thank goodness they used a scope to remove it. He is recovering nicely on the sofa. Dee Dee and John Daddy got him cotton candy and Mema and Papa brought him Krispy Kreme donuts! Sandy and her family sent him the most precious care package including a cat toy! We are so thankful this is behind him. Praying that the labs will be a good report.
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