Thursday, January 12, 2012

Christmas Day

Good Christmas morning boys! They slept in til 6am! Here is Nate checking out his newton balls.

I see you Luke!

We were shocked to find that Santa left 2 dirt bikes in the garage even after mom said "no."  Nate and Henry were thrilled!

Henry decked out in all his gear ready to ride!

Nate is in blue shirt, Henry is red.  Santa went all out!

O Henry, please be careful!

Nate rides as if he's been doing this for years.

Christmas lunch at DeeDee & JohnDaddy's house. 

Daddy with his boys. 

Can you see the 2 specks way back in the pasture...yep, that's Nate & Henry!

Luke is a bridge for Silas' Polar Express train

Christmas dinner is always with Ronnie's family.  This year we ate at their house.  Here we are opening gifts before the party started. 

Ahhh.... the day after Christmas.  Playing a little Hedbanz while Mom starts to take the tree down. 

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