Thursday, April 21, 2011

More Spring Break

Tuesday morning I took Nate & Henry (without the camera) to HighFalls Park. We had so much fun & even got a little sun. I wasn't prepared (no towels or change of clothes) and ended up taking everyone home covered in sand & wet (gross!) They didn't care. After Bryan went to work we went and hung out for a bit at DeeDee & John Daddy's (see video of Egg Chunkin' below).

Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of Wednesday. The boys were at their MeMa & Papa's bright and early for a big day of fishing! They had a great time and caught 4 catfish from a pond near Dacusville. Papa & Nate cleaned them and they're in MeMa's freezer. She is going to cook them the next time the boys are there for dinner. Nate was so proud that he helped clean the fish. I spend the morning at a Dr.'s appt and then the rest of the day going to Target, Old Navy, etc.

Thursday started with some bloodwork for Joy, a quick trip to the grocery store and then on to pick up our friends, Madison & Stryder. Bryan was sleeping and it's so hard to be quiet so we
decided to go play in the sand along the edge of the lake. Yeah right, by the time I got the blanket spread out all the big kids were soaked! I thought it was freezing outside (mid 60s) but even wet these kids were unstoppable.

After a minor injury at the lake (Madison dropped a rock on her finger) we decided to clean up and go to the movies. We voted and Rio won 4 to 1! Luke wanted to see Caillou but it wasn't playing.

While we were at the movie, Bryan woke up and started dinner. We grilled steaks, asparagus, brocolli, baked potatoes & bread...yum! Even after a large bucket of popcorn, a bag of gummy worms, m&ms, fun dips, and caprisuns, everyone ate like little pigs! by the way, I only bought popcorn at the movie, the rest I brought from home.

Madison is one fun girl. She could hang with these boys, she was tough, funny & fast!

After dinner we went on a very short boat ride. Madison & Stryder loved it!

Henry & Stryder getting ready to spin on the tire swing.

Nate & Madison swinging high!

What a fun day! Thanks to the thunderstorm our baseball game was cancelled and we enjoyed hanging out with Bryan (finally!) at home.

1 comment:

Denise Powell said...

Your day made me tired just reading it!! You are the best mom ever!!