Friday, May 15, 2009

The Broke Arm

With 3 boys, I'm bound to see my share of injuries....

Wednesday after school, while playing with me and his brothers at a playground, Nate fell off a see-saw and broke his arm. He has been such a trooper. We didn't even know it was broken, despite the pain he was able to move his hand and because he already had a really bad ant bite, we weren't sure what was causing the swelling. When I looked at it Thursday morning, I knew we'd better get it checked out. Because the bone is bent at the break, he's wearing one of those plaster casts that you can't get wet. The doctor formed the cast to put pressure on the bent bone in hopes that it will heal straight. We go back in 2 weeks for another x-ray to see if it's working. We're praying that they'll give us a waterproof cast at that point.
Kids + summertime = Fun in the Water and this cast is really gonna slow us down, but I'm thankful that he's taking it well. He even insisted on going to school today. Henry has been just a little bit jealous of all the attention. He's wrapped his arm & leg with ACE bandages and has been extra mischievous!

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