I have to have a reason to leave Nate and Henry at home alone, but I didn't Saturday. But I said, " come on Luke, let's go pick up Matthew and John. Nate and Henry, y'all stay here I'll be right back." I got Matthew in keowee key then headed back to waterside crossing (the entrance across the highway from mine) to get john. As I tuned left into the neighborhood, the car behind me was blinded by the setting sun and hit us, going around 55 mph. There was no warning, no brakes, just huge impact.
When we stopped moving, I turned around and saw that Matthew and Luke were ok! That's all I could say, "we're ok! We're ok!" Leaving Nate and Henry at home was a good thing. They would've been injured. And if was a miracle we walked away with bruises and aches (and a mild concussion for me)
Nate came up to the wreck and stayed with me until I went home (2hours later) Henry went on to the party! Matthew was pretty shook up, and nancy Horton took care of Luke. God was truly watch g over us.