Henry had a rough first week of kindergarten. A little girl kissed him on the first day, he got really hungry before lunch and he doesn't know anyone in his class except Brianna
Gooding. Things seem to be improving, slowly.
Nate has been invited to escort Alyssa to homecoming. (this is rec football players & cheerleaders homecoming) After he said yes, he was invited by another sweet girl, Seana. Unfortunately he can only escort 1, but I'm so glad the girls think he's nice. : )
Luke wants to go to school so bad he can't stand it. He puts on his Elmo backpack and says "Luke go school." I ask "what's in your pack?" because he calls his backpack a "pack" and he replies "
homas" which means a Thomas train and "
ammer" which is a hammer. (watch out Mrs Leesa!)
Every morning when we drop Henry & Nate off he tells them to "put on your pack
enry and
nate" then as we drive away he says "me go school?" Well, I don't think he realizes that next Wednesday I will drop him off at Golden Corner Preschool and drive away!!! he thinks he wants to go to school now, not too sure what he's gonna be saying in a week or so! Thank goodness Mrs. Leesa knows that if he cries for more than 5 minutes, she is to call me on the cell and I will come pick him up.
Tomorrow I have the
privilege of babysitting Marlowe from 10am til around 1 or so. Luke & I can't wait! The age difference between Luke & Marlowe is about the same at the difference between Nate & Henry. Can't wait to see how they interact when there isn't a crowd around.