We have this incredible worship service at my church (Welcome Wesleyan) called "The Flame." It's on Sunday nights. My boys love it. This isn't your ordinary worship service now. It's dark, loud, electric guitars & drums, lights & a cutting edge "sermon/message"that is a multimedia experience. Sounds exciting, huh? Anyway, Pastor Matt heads this up. He always has a message that's pertinent to our life given from a stool, not a pulpit, in flipflops, not black shinys. The music, led by Dustin & Hannah (who by the way are a great match both on stage & off) is contemporary & those exciting drums - played by Thom Wood- are just so intriguing!!! If Thom only knew..... So now, we have 2 sets of "little boy drums" that stay on my screened porch (so I can close the door). Nate & Henry have played them so much that they've busted 2 of the smaller drums. They actually think that one great day, they will get to play drums with the Flame band. Watch out Thom, they're getting pretty good!
By the way, Sophia is dead & Dorothy has diarrhea. I am hoping she may join her roommate in a few days. These fish are starting to give me the creeps! I can handle baby poop a lot better than fish poop!